2020-06-21 | DG10 | DEBJ-NDC-013 | Day 36 | Sunday

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2020-06-21 | DG10 | DEBJ-NDC-013 | Day 36 | Sunday

Distance Gradation: 10

Experience Date: Sunday, June 21, 2020

Group: Maize One (May 16th 2020 Class)

Time-frame: Day 36 (Week 6, Day 1) | Lesson 4, Review 1

Student: DEBJ-NDC-013

Description: Brief partial out-of-body experience, followed by brief false awakening

“I heard a short whoosh of wind next to my ear then tried to sit up and opened my eyes and I could see just part of my door. The center of my vision was the clearest part and the rest of the door was blurry. There were sharp flecks of light flashing up on the door too, a bit like fairy dust. I turned and looked at the rest of the room and saw these lights there too… [I] thought of my body, and felt my energy body fall back into my physical body with a bit of a thud. I heard the whoosh of wind close to my ear when I returned.” – Student DEBJ-NDC-013


I went back to sleep after doing night time practice then I thought something amazing happened. I put some effort in to having an OBE as I drifted off and suddenly I thought I was having one. It was very vague, I heard a short whoosh of wind next to my ear then tried to sit up and opened my eyes and I could see just part of my door. The center of my vision was the clearest part and the rest of the door was blurry. There were sharp flecks of light flashing up on the door too, a bit like fairy dust. I turned and looked at the rest of the room and saw these lights there too. I tried that ‘clarity now!’ a few times, it seemed slightly better. Then I stopped the OBE for some reason (can’t recall the reason), thought of my body, and felt my energy body fall back into my physical body with a bit of a thud. I heard the whoosh of wind close to my ear when I returned.

I then woke up and looked at my room. I didn’t notice something was off. Then I ACTUALLY woke up and realized that in the first ‘wake up’ was actually a dream of waking up where I’d woken up in my bedroom as it was 15 years ago or so. So, I assume the OBE was actually a dream too sadly! Shame! Don’t ever recall having thinking I’d woken up only to find out the waking up was a dream, so that’s interesting. It makes sense that I remembered this dream as it was a short period of sleep and that’s when I’ve been able to remember dreams in recent years, I’ve not been able to remember dreams in when I’ve been sleeping for a long time.



Darryl E Berry Jr’s comments: Great effort. :)

First, if you are doing dream gradations, just the fact that you were lucid would make it a 10 – lucid dream. But it seems more than that…

But given that you intended to have an OBE, had the whooshing sound, felt reconnecting motion and sensation with whooshing return, and had the difficulty of vision during the experience (which is to be expected when just starting out) – this seems to be a 10 level on the distance gradation scale:

OBE Partial or Semi-Conscious 10 – a partial or semi-conscious out-of-body experience.

Your upper body was apparently out.



DEBJ-NDC-013: Blimey thanks! I remember the sensation initially of it, I couldn’t believe it, I was so excited. The detailed memory of the experience had faded but I can just remember the excitement. I’m wondering why I exited the OBE. A part of me is now thinking it may be because I just wanted to tell people I’d actually done it, but I can’t be sure.

I never opened my eyes when my phantom hand moved that one time previously so it’s hard to compare. I recall feeling pretty disorientated when trying to detach last night, confused, not like when my hand moved. But if I’d opened my eyes when my hand moved, may be the same could’ve happened. I just recall I had this amazing feeling last night when it happened though, literally an ‘out of this world’ feeling at the time.

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