2012-06-05 | DG11 | DEBJ-BTB-03 | Tuesday
Distance Gradation: 11
Experience Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Group: June 2012 OBE Research Study
Student: DEBJ-BTB-03
Description: Out-of-body flight and healing experience, followed by false awakening
“I got a sensation and visual of moving. I sat up OBE looked out the back window and jumped through the back window. I flew around and jumped around a bit. I wanted to do something positive in the OBE. I went back to my sick ferret and lifted it out of its cage with the intent to heal it. I energized myself with astral breaths.” – Student DEBJ-BTB-003
I got 4 hours of sleep, and woke up for 3-4 hours, then went back to sleep. I lay in my parked car in uncomfortable impromptu position. I felt very sleepy, felt able to sleep, and drifted back to sleep. I felt really sleepy and it felt good to fall sleep. I did the sleep signal focus technique. I lost sensation of body and had recurring vibration/sound in my ear. My face felt like it was smiling on its own. I wanted to sit up and remembered how it felt to sit up. I did body checks in between tries.
I imagined tactile sensation of sitting up, recreating feeling of sitting up. I tried to remember how it would feel to sit up. And after ten tries it worked. I got the sensation and visual of moving. I sat up out-of-body and looked out the back window jumped through the back window. I flew around and jumped around a bit. I wanted to do something positive in the OBE. I went back to my car to my sick ferret. I lifted it out of cage with intent to heal. I energized self with astral breaths.
I tried to wake up. It was hard to move my physical body. I tried to move, I tried to feel physical body move. I couldn’t adjust m breathing or anything. I tried imagining myself back in the physical position. I
I thought I was up and being driven around in a car but I wasn’t physically up. It was a false awakening. I flew back out the window. I tried again to wake up. I sat up and my girlfriend was in the car. Soon I heard a car door slam and woke up. I felt really happy, energized, excited after that. And my ferret got better.
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