Ecsomatics Course and Research Study (Astral Travel or Out-of-Body Experience)

Accepting New Students Beginning in June of 2025!!

  • Explore directly whether there is life after death
    • Meet the deceased
    • Explore afterlife worlds
  • Explore the universe near and far
    • Visit distant places on the Earth
    • Meet and interact with otherworldly beings
    • Meet and interact with other out-of-body explorers
    • Meet and interact with extraterrestrials

You can accomplish this and more via the out-of-body experience or astral travel.

This course is an ongoing out-of-body experience or astral travel training program. Therefore students who sign up have the option of continuing their training for as long as the course is available, which is the forseeable future. Thereby, you can progress more so at your pace, which should allow for more people to progress to success then previous iterations that were time limited. Nevertheless, the process of achieving even your first conscious out-of-body experience is an intensive endeavor requiring at least a certain amount of dedication, time, and effort.

Format: We will start with basics development, then progress to what I call state acquition, and then to the out-of-body experience. The textbook for the course is my book, Travel Far. The fee for the group class is $55/week (due via Paypal each Sunday) or $200/month (monthly recurring via Paypal or Patreon). Note: New students are accepted only on a week-by-week basis. After satisfactory completion of basic training, you may continue on either a month-by-month or week-by-week basis. 

We’ll meet each for Q & A, discussion, and instruction. (Classes are recorded, but note that students are not allowed to record classes). There will also be an online forum for feedback and questions throughout the week.

New Student Registration: 1) Order the latest edition of Travel Far, 2) Sign up at the forums and at Discord chat, 3) Fill out the registration form, and 4) Send in your fee for the first week of participation at with my email We’ll begin training on the next training day following completion of the New Student Registration steps.

I’ll be accepting new students beginning June of 2025. You can complete steps one through three of registration anytime, and you will be notified when the first day of class is so you can send your payment by then.

Let me know if you have any questions or comments via the above email, the comment section of the registration form, or other contact information on the Contact Page. For advanced students I may offer research studies in the future.

100% of students who completed the Ecsomatics I Course had an out-of-body experience.

During an intensive 11-week progression, four (4) students had a total of 8 out-of-body experiences among them. Thirty-one (31) people showing interest in the course. Thirteen (13) people started he course. Eight (8) students completed the Basics training. Two (2) students completed the Ecsomatics I program. Each of the two students who completed the State Acquisition for OBE / Ecsomatics I training had at least one OBE. (The current ongoing format will allow for a pacing such that more students can achieve OBE success.) 

Click Here To Read Several Student Out-of-Body Experience Accounts




January 2025