DEBJ-NDC Ecsomatics Course Registration

    12 Coaching sessions / classes are usually on Mondays, scheduled in Central time.
    I can attend Mondays, 8 PM Central Time, and participate regularly in submitting online report journalsOther - I need another time or medium (Explain in Questions/Comments)

    13 How much time every 24 hours are you able to commit towards the course, including both literary study and practice?

    14 Fees as displayed on the Course page, to be sent via to the email If something occurs that you can no longer participate, there is a 80% refund if participation is cancelled before the course begins, 50% refund if cancelled during the first week of instruction, and no refunds after the first week of the course.

    15 What books have you read by Darryl E Berry Jr?

    25 Calibration Question: What is the physical shape of the planet Earth (for instance, if you could board a rocket ship that takes you 25,000 miles away from Earth so you could look back at Earth from afar)?

    26 How did you learn about Darryl E Berry Jr, the Center, and this class / course / research study?

    If they send button is greyed out, check to see if an entry is missing.

    Copyright (C) 2020-2024 Darryl E Berry Jr

    May 2024