DEBJ-NDC R.E.A.D. Efforts
Darryl E Berry Jr’s NEXT DENSITY CENTER (DEBJ-NDC) forwards the research, education, development, and application of our so-called nonphysical aspect or inner abilities. I’ve categorized these into four distinct categories: Foundational, Ascension, Meta-Transfer, and Enlightenment. The focus is currently on the ascension aspect, specifically regarding the seeming finer frequencies of existence heretofore called terms like astral, the afterlife, and the etheric.
There is no monetary cost involved with joining Next Density Center research studies or other efforts. If you would like to participate in and benefit from the cutting edge of what I hypothesize to be frontier science then join one of the DEBJ-NDC research studies & courses by clicking here to apply. If you resonate with these objectives I encourage you to become a Member of the Center, and participate ongoing in these efforts. Members can also become volunteers at various levels of involvement, to help the Center as we work towards expanding practical metaphysical understanding and ability on Earth. Visit this page to see descriptions of various levels of involvement in DEBJ-NDC.
The education efforts currently focus on the development of inner abilities heretofore called astral travel or out-of-body experiencing. It is my position that these phenomenon and experiences represent frequencies of matter that are as yet too fine our (common) technology to access; but that we have these frequencies incorporated into our overall being, and can thus access them directly. I offer several theoretical and practical courses and classes, all of which are also research endeavors. Courses are currently taught through voice or video chat, and also utilize this website’s online forums and DEBJ NDC Discord server in sections of these applications that are accessible only to active students.
Applications will include but not be limited to group validation experiments of astral travel or out-of-body experience ability. I’m currently in the phase of training a group of DEBJ-NDC explorers and experimenters. If you’d like to participate in and benefit from the cutting edge of extreme frontier science then join one of the DEBJ-NDC research studies & courses. I will also soon begin recruiting others who are not DEBJ-NDC trained with the ability to consciously access altered states and other dimensions who would also like to participate in such efforts and experiments either independently or as a member of DEBJ-NDC. If you have already developed such skills and abilities and would like to participate in cutting-edge application of these abilities you can contact me with your interest via the information on the contact page.
The ongoing development includes the refinement of techniques, methods, and hypotheses for the whys and hows of accessing and utilizing the finer frequencies of our being. Success of research study and course participants at developing basic skills and manifesting skill such as lucid dreaming and astral travel demonstrates the effectiveness of the processes and perspectives developed.
Founder, Darryl E Berry Jr
Jan 2021