DEBJ-NDC Contactee Program

DEBJ-NDC Contactee Program

This training program teaches one how to experience first-hand contact experiences, either seeing apparent alien spacecraft, interacting with apparent extraterrestrial beings, or both.


NDC Contactee Training

1 – 2. At least one 2000 level course.

3. MTTR-3204-99 – Making ET/ID Contact

4. MTTR-4299-99 – ET Contact Group Study

1 – 2. At least one 2000 level course.

<<< You can read about the 2000 level courses at this link >>>

MTTR-3204-99 – Making ET/ID Contact

A 4-week practical course on cultivating the experience of contact with extraterrestrial and interdimensional beings. The book Preparing for Contact by Lyssa Royal is required. Graduates of the Making ET/ID Contact course can volunteer to assist with future courses.


  • Completion of at least one 2000 level course.

Course Duration: 4+ Weeks


MTTR-4299-99 – ET Contact Group Study

An anticipated research study where we practice and establish procedures for group contact with extraterrestrials. Seeking 4-9 individuals to participate.


  • Completion of Making ET/ID Contact Course

Study Duration: Ongoing



Jan 2021